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  Domain Names

2.7 How to Set Up A-Records
An A-Record is used to point a subdomain name to an external server's IP address. This is commonly used if you have a webserver outside of Netfirms that you wish to use with your domain name. This is an advanced domain feature that can be set up from the Domains menu tab.
  1. Click the Domains menu tab to access the Domain Manager.
  2. Click the Add button near the top right corner of the Control Panel.
  3. Click the Sub Domain tab.
  4. Enter subdomain name.
  5. Place a checkmark in the A-Record section.
  6. Enter the IP address of the external server.
  7. Click the Add button.
Note: A-records can sometimes take up to 48 hours to become active across the entire Internet.

2.7 How to Set Up CNAMES
CNAMES are used to create CNAME DNS record for an external subdomain address. This is an advanced domain feature that can be set up from the Domains menu tab.
  1. Click the Domains menu tab to access the Domain Manager.
  2. Click the Add button near the top right corner of the Control Panel.
  3. Click the Sub Domain tab.
  4. Enter subdomain name address.
  5. Place a checkmark in the CNAME section.
  6. Enter the subdomain name address of the external server.
  7. Click the Add button
Note: CNAMES can sometimes take up to 48 hours to become active across the entire Internet.


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