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Domain Names  

2.5 How to Forward Your Domain to Another Location
Domain forwarding allows you to point multiple domains to a single website or to simply forward a domain to another location. For example, you can print and to You can set up domain forwarding from the Domains menu tab.
  1. Click the Domains menu tab to access the Domain Manager.
  2. Click the + icon beside the domain you wish to forward.
  3. Click the Source tab.
  4. Place a checkmark next to the Forward box.
  5. Enter in the destination URL you want to forward to and click Update.

2.6 How to Set Up Subdomains
Subdomains allow you to segment your web site into various user groups or aspects of your business. For example, you can create a subdomain called in addition to the standard You can set up subdomains from the Domains menu tab.
  1. Click the Domains menu tab to access the Domain Manager.
  2. Click the Add button near the top right corner of the Control Panel.
  3. Click the Sub Domain tab.
  4. Enter subdomain name and choose the main domain from the dropdown menu.
  5. Enter forwarding location (optional). It is common to set this to directory within your website.
  6. Click the Add button.


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