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5.8 Creating a Website With Joomla!
Joomla! is a powerful Content Management System (CMS) you can use to create and manage a website with just a few clicks. Joomla! is configured through the Site Tools menu tab.
  1. Click the Site Tools menu item.
  2. Click the Joomla! icon.
  3. Click the Add New button.
  4. Select the domain name to which you'd like to use.
  5. Enter a name for your website in the Directory Name field.
  6. Click the Add button to complete the installation.
  7. Onscreen you will see a listing for your new website, with the web address you can use to access it.
Notes: Upon installation an e-mail will be sent with further instructions on how to access the Joomla! administration tool to get started.
Additional Joomla! tutorials and guides can be found online at


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