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5.6 Publishing Your Website with NetObjects Fusion 8
Once you have built your website with NetObjects and populated the pages with your own content (section 5.5) you will need to publish it to your Netfirms account to make it accessible on your Internet.
  1. Click the Publish Site icon in the menu bar.
  2. In the Save Location area click the Pencil icon.
  3. In the Publish Settings click the New button.
  4. From the Server Type dropdown list select FTP.
  5. Enter "Netfirms" in the Profile Name field.
    Enter your FTP address in the Server field.
    Enter "www/" (without the quotes) in the Directory field.
    Enter your Username and Password.
  6. Click the Close button.
  7. In the Publish Site window select the user profile (Global Netfirms) from the pull down menu.
  8. In the Publish Site window, select the Publish Changed Assets Only option and Pages to Publish should be set to Entire Site.
  9. Click the Publish button.
Notes: Additional NetObjects tutorials, demos and guides can be found online at


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