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Steps (contd):
  1. The administration interface will open in a new window.
  2. Click the Manage menu bar hyperlink. From here you can edit the Homepage by clicking the Edit hyperlink.
    Click the Pages submenu bar hyperlink to access the other pages of your website.
  3. From the list of pages click the Edit hyperlink adjacent to the page you with to modify. You can also delete pages or add a new page from this screen.
  4. The Edit hyperlink will take you to an interface that you can use to write your own text and add images. Be sure to click the Save Page button when you have finished making my changes. Any modifications will be instantly published to your website.
Notes: You may wish to explore the other menu bar hyperlinks to further customize your website. The Options section contains the text that displays your company name. The Presentation section contains additional themes to change the look of your website.

5.4 Adding Images to Your WordPress Website or Blog
  1. Use the Upload toolbar while writing or managing your pages to add images to your website. Click the Browse button to select an image from your local computer.
  2. Enter a Title and Description for your image.
  3. Click the Upload button.
  4. Click the thumbnail image to insert it into your page.


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