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5. Websites
Whether you're a beginner or a pro, the Netfirms award winning, industry standard hosting platform makes it easy to design and build a website
5.1 Website Design 101
You have many options available to you when building your website with Netfirms. At the most basic level you can use a text editor such as Notepad or code your webpages by hand using HTML, PHP or Ruby on Rails (Netfirms supports a wide range of web programming languages - see section 9.1).

Of course coding by hand can be a lot of work, especially if you're not a web programmer. Thankfully Netfirms includes on click installers and web-based sitebuilders to get you up and running quickly and easily (WordPress is an excellent application loaded with templates and prebuilt webpages - see section (5.2).

The Netfirms hosting platform also supports commercial site building software including NetObjects and Fusion. In fact Netfirms offers a Website Sharted CD that includes NetObjects Fusion free of charge (see section 5.5).

Speaking of third party applications, there are a number of great services on the Internet that provide free scripts and content management systems to help build your website, and they all work with Netfirms (see section 5.9).

Finally if all else fails you can hire a web designer to do the work for you. In fact sometimes this is the best option, especially if you want a highly customized website.


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