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6.2 How to Set Up phpBB Discussion Forums
You can use phpBB to create an interactive community on your website. It can be integrated into your website or be used as a stand-alone feature. Set up phpBB discussion forums from the Site Tools menu tab.
  1. Click the Site Tools menu tab.
  2. Click the PHPBB icon.
  3. Click the Add New button.
  4. Enter a directory name.
  5. Select the domain name to which you'd like to install the forum.
  6. Click the Add button.
  7. Onscreen you will see a listing for your new forum, with the web address you can use to access it. Typically you would link to this address from your website homepage.

    Once you have added a forum you will want to configure it for your needs.

  8. Click the Admin button adjacent to the phpBB forum you just installed.
  9. You wil be prompted for a Username and Password. This information was e-mailed to you during installation.
  10. By default phpBB is ready to be used right away.
    Use the sidebar administration links to setup your forum name and other options.
Notes: Install your phpBB discussion forum to the default directory "phpbb". The administrative password is e-mailed to the admin contact on the account.


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