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3.3 How to Retrieve E-mail with Outlook Express
You can configure a POP e-mail client such as Outlook Express or Eudora to access e-mail from your Netfirms account. To set up Outlook Express, open the program and follow the steps below.
  1. In Outlook Express, click the Tools menu and select Accounts.
  2. Click the Add button and select Mail from the menu.
  3. Enter a name or word in the Display Name field.
  4. Enter your domain e-mail address in the E-mail address field.
  5. Select POP3 from the incoming mail server drop-down menu.
  6. Enter the incoming mail server with your domain name:
  7. Enter the outgoing SMTP mail server with your domain name: (See the note below).
  8. Click the Next button.
  9. Enter the e-mail address in the Account Name field.
  10. Enter the e-mail password in the Password field.
  11. Click the Next button.
  12. Click the Finish button to complete the configuration.
Note: Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) may require you to use their SMTP server for outgoing mail. Check with your ISP for their SMTP settings and requirements.


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