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Exchange Management: How to Increase Mailbox Size

Netfirms is upgrading all Exchange Services to Exchange 2013 this year. Please check your Email Settings in Mail Central for the correct Exchange settings when setting up mobile devices and other mail clients.

How to Change Your Exchange Mailbox Storage Size

  1. Log in to your Mail Central.
  2. Click on the mailbox you wanted to upgrade the storage.
  3. Under Upgrades, click on Mailbox Size.
    Click Upgrades then Mailbox Size
  4. Then, hit Click here to buy more exchange mailbox credits.
    Click here to buy more exchange mailbox credits
  5. Important: Review which mailbox upgrade sizes will be available to you.
  6. If applicable, select the payment frequency for the mailbox size you want to purchase.
  7. Click Buy Now to select the desired mailbox size upgrade.
    Click Buy Now to select desired upgrade
  8. To apply the mailbox credit purchased, click on the mailbox that needs an upgrade. 
  9. Under Upgrades, click on Mailbox Size.
    Click Upgrades then Mailbox Size
  10. Then, hit Apply.
    Click Apply Credit

When you change to a different mailbox size, a credit for the size you were previously using becomes available. You can use this previous credit for upgrading a standard mailbox to a new Exchange mailbox or changing the size of an existing Exchange mailbox. Note that you will continue to be charged for the renewal of this credit, even if it is not being used on any of your Exchange mailboxes. Please contact us if you wish to cancel any of these Exchange mailbox size credits.

How to know which Exchange Mailbox sizes are available for you

  1. Go to Mail Central.
  2. Click on one of your Exchange mailboxes.
Available Mailbox Sizes for Exchange Servers
 Exchange 2013 Server
Basic5GB Storage
Plus10GB Storage
Premium25GB Storage

The majority of Netfirms customers with Exchange services will be upgraded to 2013 Exchange servers. The prices and Exchange mailbox sizes shown throughout the Netfirms website and control panel reflect the offers available for the 2013 Exchange servers. However, some customers who have been using Exchange for a long time may still be on the 2007 or 2010 Exchange servers. All customers will be upgraded to Exchange server 2013 in the near future.

